Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Live Arts

Scadoxus and I visited Live Art Plantscapes this past Monday and saw some really neat plants.  We learned that the nursery is giving away 150 queen palms because they don't have the space for them in their new location.  The palms are in 30" boxes and are 20 feet tall.  If you want any you would have to pick them up in Northridge by December 31.

Palms make great hosts for orchids, bromeliads and other epiphytes.

Haul from Live Art Plantscapes...

Clockwise from top right...

Neoregelia Zoe
Neoregelia More Pepper Please
Neoregelia ampullacea
Neoregelia Medusa

Also saw this nice NOID Euphorbia...

It would potentially make a great phorobana.

Update: It's Euphorbia punicea... Jamaican Poinsettia


  1. Nice bromeliads you picked up there, and quite a cool Euphorbia as well.

    I've been hoping to visit Living Art Plantscapes. Your photo is a great motivator to make the trip.

    1. Hey! I think it took me way too long to visit Live Arts for the first time, same with Bird Rock Tropicals. Have you been to Lincoln Ave Nursery? I've gone there for quite a few years. It has gotten better and better over the years, as Burkard's steadily declined. I took my friend to visit Lincoln Ave Nursery for the first time and she really liked it.

      Recently I contacted the Southern California Horticultural Society and learned that there's a newish nursery in my area... Artemisia Nursery. Have you heard of it before? I'd like to check it out sometime.
